This non-invasive technique can assist in decreasing muscle tension and helps to manage pain.
This technique can assist in decreasing muscle tension and help to manage pain. Dry needling is administered by trained and licensed therapists who use a thin monofilament needle to access a trigger point beneath the skin. A trigger point is a tight band of muscle that can cause pain and restrict motion. Stimulating a trigger point in the muscle increases blood flow, reduces pain and loosens the tight muscles.
While it may sound similar to acupuncture, dry needling is not the same. Dry needling is often used as part of a larger treatment plan, is rooted in different science and research and is performed by different trained specialists.
Dry needling may cause different sensations for patients depending on their cause of pain or injury. Some patients feel a twitching when the trigger point is accessed, followed by a release of the muscle. The actual insertion of the needle is not actually painful as the needle is much smaller than used when receiving an injection or giving blood. Patients may feel soreness during or after the treatment for a few days afterward.
Conditions involved:
Our Forté Fast orthopedic urgent care clinic at our Noblesville location will close at 1:00 pm on Monday, January 20th.
Our Forté Fast orthopedic urgent care clinic at our Noblesville location will close at 11:00 am on Friday, January 24th.