Central Indiana’s Arthritis Treatment Specialists

Arthritis describes a broad range of conditions characterized by inflammation in one or more of your joints. It may present itself in several ways – swelling, pain, stiffness – and vary in frequency or severity. The arthritis treatment specialists at Forté Sports Medicine are adept at caring for arthritis patients in Central Indiana and providing prompt pain relief. We have locations in Carmel, Greenwood, Noblesville and Tipton to find the best possible medical outcomes and restore pain-free movement from your shoulders to your ankles.

What Is Arthritis?

More than 100 diseases fall under the umbrella of arthritis, which affects roughly one in five adults in some capacity. Arthritis encompasses all forms of joint inflammation and can affect people of all ages. However, it is more common as we grow older and the cartilage or tissue around our joints ages. In addition to lifelong use, acute injuries or health conditions may result in arthritis. Damaged cartilage, tissues, or ligaments will ultimately impact your bones’ comfort and stability. Subsequent inflammation, a natural bodily response, causes pain and limited movement, among other symptoms. The most common afflicted joints include hands and wrists, knees, hips, feet and ankles, shoulders and lower back.

Common forms of Arthritis

Among the most pivotal elements of developing a successful treatment plan for you will be identifying which type of arthritis you have. Common forms include:

  • Osteoarthritis – The most prevalent form of arthritis, osteoarthritis occurs when the tissues surrounding a joint degenerate from normal wear and tear. Obesity, a history of joint damage, physical stress, age and overuse may all contribute to the development of osteoarthritis.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis – A long-lasting form of arthritis that typically affects one’s hands, wrists, and knees, rheumatoid arthritis results from the body’s immune system mistakenly attacking joints. It ultimately causes their linings to swell while damaging bones and cartilage.
  • Gout – Excess uric acid that the body cannot eliminate forms needle-like crystals in joints that cause inflammation and severe pain. Gout most commonly affects toes, ankles, and wrists.
  • Psoriatic Arthritis – Individuals with psoriasis are prone to this form of arthritis, which comprises skin inflammation due to an immune system mistakenly attacking one’s body. In addition to pain and stiffness, symptoms of this form of arthritis may also include a rash and discoloration or redness on your skin.
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis – Also resulting from immune system issues, ankylosing spondylitis is a form of arthritis that commonly affects joints near the base of one’s spine. As a result, pain and stiffness may radiate from the problem site to one’s hips, pelvis, neck and abdomen.
  • Juvenile Arthritis – A chronic autoimmune disease, juvenile arthritis occurs when a child’s immune system attacks tissues lining the inside of a joint as well as the joint’s synovial fluid. This can damage cartilage and bone while also hindering growth and development.

What Causes Arthritis?

There is no singular cause of arthritis, as the disease can arise from factors including age, heredity, physical conditions and overuse. Moreover, many forms of arthritis are caused by a combination of issues. Understanding our patients’ unique backgrounds and conditions helps the staff at Forté Sports Medicine recognize the types of arthritis present and how to care for them. When assessing individuals in our clinics, we evaluate potential causes such as:

  • Age – Wear and tear on your joints over time heightens the risk of arthritis development
  • Sex – Excepting gout, arthritis is typically more common in women
  • Heredity – Rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis have been linked to genetics
  • Obesity – Excess weight can cause undue stress to joints and result in inflammation
  • Injuries – Joint damage from injuries or overuse may be a precursor to arthritis
  • Immune Disease – Autoimmune disorders are among the leading causes of arthritis

How Forté Sports Medicine Treats Arthritis

Upon diagnosing your arthritis based on a thorough physical exam, the experts at Forté Sports Medicine will devise a complete arthritis treatment plan and facilitate your care at one of our clinics. Depending on your form of arthritis and its cause, our treatment options will typically feature one or more of the following:

  • Physical or Occupational TherapyOur specialists will help you determine ways to alleviate stress on your joints and reduce inflammation, creating relief for your aches and pains.
  • Medication – Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) and pain relievers often complement our therapies. We will find the form and dose that works best for you.
  • Lifestyle Changes – Forté Sports Medicine will assist with lifestyle alterations that may include weight loss, exercise or dietary changes to minimize the effects of arthritis and prevent further joint deterioration.
  • Surgery – In severe cases, we may recommend operations to fuse or replace your joints.

Request Arthritis Treatment in Central, IN Today

Forté Sports Medicine has generations of satisfied patients and success stories, and we are eager to help you become our next. You may conveniently use our patient portal or request an appointment online. Contact us today for arthritis care in Central, IN.

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