World-Class Tennis Elbow Treatment in Central Indiana

Your elbow is a joint necessary for completing myriad daily tasks that you may typically take for granted, such as opening a jar or turning your steering wheel. But while such chores may be an afterthought when you are healthy, pain or tenderness caused by tennis elbow will undoubtedly make you aware of the joint’s many uses. When this occurs, seek help from the trained professionals at Forté Sports Medicine. We provide tennis elbow treatment throughout Central Indiana at our clinics in Carmel, Greenwood, Noblesville and Tipton. Our physicians have extensive experience with all kinds of sports injuries and the expertise to diagnose, treat and prevent recurrences of tennis elbow as well as various other orthopedic afflictions.

What Is Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is most commonly a repetitive strain injury that causes pain and swelling in one’s elbow. More specifically, it is degeneration/micro-tears on the lateral side of the extensor muscle tendon. It differs from golfer’s elbow in one key regard. With tennis elbow, one experiences pain on the outside edge of his or her arm when held to the side with palms facing forward. In golfer’s elbow or pitcher’s elbow, pain presents on the medial side. Tennis elbow is one of the most common causes of elbow discomfort, affecting roughly 3% of Americans annually, according to expert estimates.

What Causes Tennis Elbow?

Although tennis elbow got its name from the popular sport, most individuals develop the injury through other practices. It can arise from any repeated arm movement that may aggravate the extensor muscle tendon. In addition to overuse from racket sports, tennis elbow causes include weightlifting, carpentry, painting, typing, yard work, household duties and knitting. While it can occur at any age, it is most prevalent among individuals between 30 and 60 years old who overuse their arms in routine or athletic activities.

Diagnosing Tennis Elbow at Forté Sports Medicine

At Forté Sports Medicine in Central Indiana, our staff will carefully examine your condition and symptoms before issuing a tennis elbow diagnosis. Common tennis elbow symptoms that may prompt a visit to one of our state-of-the-art clinics include:

  • Pain or tenderness on the outside of your elbow
  • Reduced range of motion due to stiffness or swelling
  • Weakened grip
  • Inability to perform simple tasks such as making a fist, turning a doorknob, or holding an object

When one or more of these indicators are present, we will perform an evaluation that includes a physical exam and potentially a range of imaging tests. We can accurately assess any damage using one or a combination of X-rays, MRI and electromyography.

Individualized Tennis Elbow Treatment Options

Following a patient’s tennis elbow diagnosis, Forté Sports Medicine’s staff will craft a unique treatment plan to ensure pain-free movement and prevent recurring issues. We will carefully construct each plan based on factors including the cause of injury as well as our patient’s age and overall health. Among the options for restoring elbow strength and stability are:

  • RICE – An acronym representing rest, ice, compression and elevation. This method reduces pain and swelling. In addition to minimizing movement and stress, applying an ice pack to one’s elbow for 15-20 minutes every few hours before wrapping it with a compression bandage may negate the need for more in-depth treatment.
  • Physical Therapy– Our physicians can devise a physical therapy plan involving stretching and strengthening exercises to increase flexibility and relieve pain.
  • Orthopedic Braces – An orthopedic brace will protect your elbow and allow it time to heal. Ask your Forté Sports Medicine specialist what style will work best for you and how long or often you should wear it.
  • Steroids – These anti-inflammatory drugs decrease swelling, thus reducing pain. They are often used to complement other treatment methods.
  • Ultrasonic Tenotomy – Otherwise known as Tenex, this procedure utilizes a guided needle that vibrates with ultrasonic energy to remove injured tissue.
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy – PRP therapy promotes faster healing by separating platelets from your blood cells and reinjecting them into injured tendons.
  • Medication – Over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory medication may be used for immediate relief but should not be a long-term solution.

Forté Sports Medicine Specializes in Tennis Elbow Care

Patients throughout Central Indiana trust Forté Sports Medicine for exceptional care related to sports injuries affecting body parts from head to toe. We have specialized equipment at our locations in Carmel, Greenwood, Noblesville and Tipton as well as decades’ worth of collective experience from our friendly, knowledgeable physicians. Contact us today for high-quality tennis elbow treatment that will guarantee a speedy recovery.

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