Patients often ask, how do I know when the time is right for joint replacement? 

The answer is, we follow your lead. Choosing to move forward with a shoulder replacement is a personal decision. Your surgeon performs x-rays, a thorough history and physical exam to help figure out if you are a good candidate for a shoulder replacement. But ultimately, it is your symptoms and how much the shoulder arthritis pain is affecting you that determines when you are ready. For most patients, time is right when the pain starts interfering with their ability to sleep and even normal daily activities. 

Shoulder replacement offerings: 

A doctor at Forté Sports Medicine and Orthopedics reviewing a shoulder x-ray in Indiana

Non-Surgical Treatment Options 

Before shoulder replacement is considered, we offer patients many non-surgical treatment options to manage arthritis pain including: 

FSM Clinical

Why should I choose Forté for my shoulder replacement?

Expertise and experience matter to ensure the best possible outcome from shoulder replacement. The level of specialization at Forté starts with our surgeons. Each of our shoulder replacement surgeons are fellowship trained and perform a high volume of shoulder replacements each year. 

Our surgeons performing a shoulder replacement utilize new technology for patient-specific surgical planning. The first step involves taking a CT scan of your shoulder. The CT image is used to create a 3D virtual model of your joint that will simulate the surgery before your procedure. This enhanced surgical planning enables your surgeon to determine:

In partnership with Franciscan Health, we provide an elevated patient experience at our state-of-the-art Orthopedic Center of Excellence. Located under the convenience of one roof, shoulder replacement patients can access our physicians’ clinic, pre and post-surgical rehabilitation, one-on-one shoulder replacement education, bracing and medical equipment retailer and surgery center equipped with the most modern technologies specialized for orthopedics. 

Learn more about the differences of shoulder replacement from primary to revision.

What Is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc occurs when the soft inner gel in the spinal disc pushes out through a tear in the tougher outer layer. This can lead to pressure on nearby nerves, resulting in pain, weakness, or numbness in the arms or legs. At the first sign of a herniated disc, you should seek medical advice for a proper diagnosis and treatment options.

Am I Experiencing Herniated Disc Symptoms?

A herniated disc might only cause you minimal pain, but in most cases, patients feel significant discomfort from the condition. Know the warning signs of a herniated disc so you can seek treatment right away. This condition can feel different from patient to patient, but most people report one or more of these symptoms:

• Sharp, sustained pains
• Dull aches
• Numbness or tingling in one leg (sciatica)
• Muscle weakness
• Shooting pain down the arms and legs

The Risk Factors of a Herniated Disc

Some people are at higher risk of getting a herniated disc than others. If any of the following conditions apply to you, be especially vigilant for herniated disc symptoms:

• Aging—With age, our bodies naturally weaken. Older individuals may have more trouble with herniated discs, although younger people may also develop the condition. The dehydration of the discs over time reduces their ability to act as shock absorbers, and consequently, they become more prone to damage.
• Genetics—Some people have a genetic predisposition to disc degeneration. Certain genes may contribute more to conditions that cause or exacerbate disc herniation.
• Lifestyle—Things like poor posture, obesity, and lack of adequate exercise can all put undue stress on the spine, causing discs to weaken and potentially herniate.
• Occupation—Jobs that require heavy lifting and repetitive movements can lead to spinal injuries and herniated discs.

What Causes a Herniated Disc?

The first step to avoiding a herniated disc is understanding what causes them. While sometimes an injury is inevitable, knowing what you’re up against goes a long way to prevention. Here are a few primary causes of herniated discs:

• Heavy Lifting—Do you have a strenuous job? Or lift heavy weights at the gym. Keep in mind that heavy lifting is a top cause of herniated discs. This excess strain on the lower back can rupture a disc’s outer layer, leading to the displacement of the inner material.
• Repetitive Strain— Repetitive activities, particularly those involving the back, can also result in disc herniation. Over time, these movements can damage the discs, leading to weakness and eventual herniation.
• Sports Injuries—Participation in certain sports, especially those with a high risk of falls or impacts, can lead to disc herniation if the spine undergoes sudden, forceful trauma.
• Natural Degeneration—Natural degeneration over time causes discs to dry out and weaken, making them more prone to herniation. Although this is a normal part of aging, patients can still find relief through herniated disc treatment.

How We Treat Herniated Discs

Herniated disc treatment can vary from person to person. Depending on the severity of your pain, our team of experts may recommend a different approach. Learn more about these ways to treat a herniated disc:


Many types of medication have proven useful for alleviating herniated disc pain. In addition to avoiding movements that cause discomfort, patients can benefit from the following medicines:

• Over-the-counter medication, like acetaminophen and ibuprofen
• Neuropathic drugs
• Muscle relaxers
• Cortisone injections

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy and rehabilitation can help alleviate herniated disc pain. Our specialists in this type of medical care can instruct you on practical exercises and positions that minimize pain. At Forté Sports Medicine and Orthopedics, we offer rehabilitation services beyond herniated discs, such as orthotics, dry needling and hydroworx therapy.


While most cases of herniated discs are treated with less invasive methods, sometimes surgery is necessary especially if arm or leg weakness is developing. If conservative treatments have not brought you significant relief, our specialists may recommend a surgical procedure in which the protruding part of the disc is removed. Should surgery be needed to repair your herniated disc, we will explain the process in depth and prepare you for not only surgery, but for rehabilitation to come thereafter.

Ways to Prevent a Herniated Disc

They say prevention is the best medicine—and they’re right! While herniated discs are often not avoidable, you do have ways to lower your chances of developing this condition. Here are our tips for preventing a herniated disc in the long run:

• Maintain a Healthy Weight— Excess weight can strain the lower back and increase the likelihood of disc herniation. We recommend speaking with your physician for personalized advice about weight management.

• Exercise Regularly— Engaging in regular exercise that includes strength training and flexibility can help support the back and reduce the risk of injury and chronic back pain.

• Practice Proper Posture—Adopting good posture while sitting, standing, and walking can keep the spine properly aligned. When it comes to lifting, use the legs and keep the back straight to protect the spine from unnecessary stress.

• Avoid Sitting for Long Periods—If you tend to sit for long periods of time, be sure to get up and move or stretch occasionally. Being proactive helps prevent undue strain on the spine.

• Use Ergonomic Furniture—For those who sit for the whole workday, ergonomic furniture is an excellent investment. These items can ensure the body is adequately supported while working.

Request an Appointment Today

A herniated disc is painful and treatment should be sought right away. The team at Forté Sports Medicine and Orthopedics provides consultation to help you work toward a pain-free life in our Carmel, Greenwood, Noblesville and Tipton offices. Contact us today to for a customized treatment plan.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis? 

To understand plantar fasciitis, we first need to know a little about the plantar fascia itself. This thick band of tissue runs across the bottom of your foot, connecting your heel bone to your toes, and supports the arch of your foot. When this ligament is overused or overstretched, it can become inflamed and uncomfortable. This inflammation and degeneration often characterized by stabbing pains in the feet, is diagnosed as plantar fasciitis. 

What Causes Plantar Fasciitis? 

Plantar fasciitis might occur for a combination of several reasons. When you visit Forté Sports Medicine and Orthopedics, we’ll evaluate your condition and may be able to pinpoint a cause. Here are the most common culprits behind plantar fasciitis: 

Know the Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

The main symptom of plantar fasciitis is intense pain in the heel, especially when first taking steps in the morning. Discomfort is also prominent after prolonged periods of sitting, standing, or exercising. Beyond that, patients with plantar fasciitis may experience stiffness or tenderness in the bottom of the foot, making it even more challenging to walk comfortably. 

Diagnosing Orthopedic Conditions 

If you suspect that you have plantar fasciitis, it is essential to consult a specialist for a proper diagnosis. Your doctor may recommend treatments ranging from rest and ice to physical therapy or orthotics. In rare cases, surgery may be considered. Here are the two primary ways we diagnose plantar fasciitis:

How to Treat Plantar Fasciitis 

Thankfully, plantar fasciitis treatment is often straightforward. The majority of patients recover within a few months without any invasive treatment. However, it’s important to remember that every case is different, and you should speak with your physician before banking on any one treatment. Learn more about the most common ways of addressing plantar fasciitis: 


Medication is a tried-and-true plantar fasciitis treatment. Many effective pain relievers, including ibuprofen and naproxen, are available without a prescription. 

Lifestyle Changes 

In combination with pain relievers, lifestyle changes can go a long way to relieving pain. Start stretching more often and switch to exercises that are easier on your feet. Try modifying or avoiding activities that trigger your plantar fasciitis pain. 


Physical therapy is often instrumental in relieving plantar fasciitis pain. Our trained specialist can explain the best exercises to stretch the plantar fascia and strengthen the appropriate leg muscles. In conjunction with physical therapy, we may recommend these types of medical equipment

Medical Procedures 

Most of the time, plantar fasciitis is effectively treated with medication, lifestyle changes, and therapy. However, some stubborn cases require more intensive measures. If your plantar fasciitis doesn’t respond to typical treatment, we may recommend one of the following: 

Preventing Plantar Fasciitis 

Plantar fasciitis is very common and keeps too many people from enjoying their daily lives. While plantar fasciitis can sideline you from your favorite activities, preventative measures can help to prevent this condition. Everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work well for another. However, here are general guidelines for preventing plantar fasciitis: 

Meet With a Specialist Today 

Understanding the causes and risk factors of plantar fasciitis can empower athletes and everyday individuals to take proactive steps in foot care. Don’t ignore heel pain, hoping it will just go away—proper attention and care can get you back on your feet, pain-free. If plantar fasciitis is making your life difficult, make an appointment at Forté Sports Medicine and Orthopedics. Our specialists in Carmel, Greenwood, Noblesville and Tipton are dedicated to creating a customized treatment plan for you. 

Our joint replacement specialists do hundreds of joint replacement surgeries each year, using the latest techniques and technologies to help you get the best results and fastest recovery.

Using advanced techniques and technologies and working with the best available implant materials, we provide a wide range of pre and post-surgical—as well as non-surgical—options for managing your symptoms.


Our Approach To Your Care

Forté Sports Medicine and Orthopedics offers easy access to concussion specialists. Concussions can be extremely serious. Unfortunately, they often go undetected or misdiagnosed. Our concussion care experts have specialty training in neurosurgery or brain injury, and can help get you back to feeling better and productive.

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