You may be considering shoulder replacement surgery if you suffer from life-limiting shoulder pain that doesn’t respond to non-operative treatments. The procedure helps relieve pain, improve function and increase your comfort with daily activities.

While it can significantly enhance your quality of life, you may still have reservations about shoulder replacement and its impact on your lifestyle. Dr. Michael Bender, a shoulder and elbow specialist at Forté, breaks down the three phases of the rehabilitation process so you know what to expect from the recovery timeline.

0-4 Weeks: Protective Phase

For the first four weeks after surgery, you’ll be in the protective phase of rehabilitation. The main goals of this phase are as follows:

During this phase, physical therapists will guide you through gentle stretching exercises to help prevent stiffness.

“There is often less pain following shoulder replacement than other joint replacements, such as the knee, but functionality is limited,” says Bender. “During the first phase of rehabilitation, you won’t be allowed to lift and raise your arms, but you can use your hands for writing, typing, cutting food and other similar activities.”

Sleep is typically the most challenging part of the protective phase, with side and stomach sleepers often having the hardest time adjusting.

“It’s okay to sleep on your back, so patients often prop themselves up with bed pillows, a wedge pillow or use a recliner,” says Bender. “Prior to surgery, it’s not a bad idea to practice sleeping on your back if you’re not used to doing so.”

1-3 Months: Mobility Phase

From one to three months after surgery, you’ll be in phase two of the rehabilitation process. Your shoulder should be less painful than it was before the procedure, and your focus will be on three main areas:

“You’ll be able to get dressed, raise your arm to reach items and other everyday stuff, but we’re still protecting the repaired tendon,” says Bender. “Once the tendon is fully healed, it’s extremely unlikely that you would have any setbacks. That’s when we can get more aggressive with physical activities.”

3-6 Months: Strengthening Phase

From three to six months post-op, you’ll be in the final phase of your rehabilitation and can focus on increasing the strength of your shoulder.

“The vast majority of patients return to sports and other physical activities somewhere between four and six months,” says Bender. “At this point, the shoulder is typically strong enough to do the things they want, such as golf, pickleball and swimming.”

While some surgeons may restrict physical activity, Bender believes your shoulder will let you know what it can handle.

“We provide general guidance so that patients understand really intense activities or powerlifting could wear out your implants sooner, but these are big picture guidelines and not strict instructions or restrictions that would be the same for all patients,” he says. “The motion, strength and function gained in therapy will help determine what its capable of.”

Setting Realistic Expectations for Your Recovery Timeline

While many patients fully recover from shoulder replacement surgery in four-six months, many factors can affect the recovery timeline, such as:

Still, total shoulder replacement is an effective procedure, with most patients returning pain-free to sports and daily activities.

To schedule a consultation with one of our shoulder replacement physicians, call 317.817.1200.

More resources for you:

Shoulder replacement is the third most common joint replacement surgery after knees and hips. The procedure is a reliable option for reducing pain and improving function in your shoulder.
You may be considering shoulder replacement surgery if you…
• Have severe arthritis pain that prevents you from participating in daily activities.
• Experience pain while resting, especially if it interferes with sleep.
• Have limited range of motion and/or hear a crunching, grinding or ratcheting sound with movement.
• Tried less invasive options such as medication, injections, physical therapy and/or adjusting your activities with little to no results.

Below, we look at three types of shoulder replacement surgeries and what makes them most effective.

The Anatomy of the Shoulder
First, it’s important to understand the parts that make up the shoulder, which is a ball-and-socket joint. The ball (head) at the end of your upper arm bone fits into the socket formed by your shoulder blade.
In a healthy shoulder, the areas where the ball and socket meet are covered with cartilage. This cartilage helps protect the bones and enables them to move smoothly. The shoulder bones are surrounded by muscles and tendons, which help promote stability and support your movement. This structure is important because the shoulder joint has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body.
All shoulder replacement surgeries involve removing damaged areas of bone and resurfacing them with metal and plastic implants.

Partial Shoulder Replacement (Hemiarthrophsty)
In a partial shoulder replacement (hemi) surgery, only the ball side of the joint is resurfaced with an implant. While it’s the least common shoulder replacement performed today, a partial may be recommended if only the ball side of your shoulder joint is damaged or injured.
A partial replacement preserves more bone than other shoulder replacement surgeries, but it does not typically provide the same pain relief or last as long as other procedures.

Primary (Anatomic) Total Shoulder Replacement
Most shoulder replacement surgeries are primary total shoulder replacements, also known as anatomical total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) replacements. Unlike a partial, both the ball and socket sides of the joint are resurfaced with implants. As the name suggests, these implants closely resemble the natural shapes of your bones.
In an anatomical TSA replacement, a surgeon fits your upper arm bone with a new metal ball, which will become one with the bone over a few months. A plastic liner is attached to the socket side of the joint. The implants are smooth and will not hurt when you move and use them.
You and your surgeon may discuss anatomic shoulder replacement if you have severe arthritis and your tendons remain intact.
“Prior to an anatomic replacement, we want to make sure your tendons and muscles are working properly and that you have plenty of healthy bone to work with,” says Dr. Michael Bender, a shoulder and elbow specialist at Forté. “Our goal is to restore your shoulder to as close to normal as possible.”

Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement
Patients with a torn or severely weakened rotator cuff tendon cannot have a primary total shoulder replacement. These patients may be better candidates for a reverse shoulder replacement.
A reverse procedure also involves resurfacing both sides of the joint, but the position of the implants is reversed. The ball is attached to your shoulder blade, and the plastic socket liner goes at the end of your upper arm bone.
This type of surgery is a good fit for patients with chronic or acute rotator cuff tears because they don’t need full use of their shoulder muscles and tendons for it to work long-term. You may also be a good candidate for a reverse procedure if you have arthritis with rotator cuff tears, a socket that is too worn /deformed, a severe shoulder fracture or as a revision of a prior shoulder replacement.
“The reverse procedure isn’t as good at restoring function as an anatomic replacement would be, but it’s a better range and quality of movement than the patient would have had,” says Dr. Dale Snead, an upper extremity injury specialist at Forté. “This procedure is designed for pain control, and a majority of patients have significantly less pain than they did before surgery.”

Deciding Which Surgery Is Right for You
Your surgeon can help you understand which type of shoulder replacement surgery would be most appropriate for you.
To schedule a consultation with one of our joint replacement specialists, call 317.817.1200.
You can also check out our many resources for shoulder replacements:
• How shoulder replacement is evolving with better implants and patient-specific surgical planning.
• Three steps that will help prepare you for shoulder replacement surgery.
• See how long it takes to recover from shoulder replacement surgery.
• Take a deeper dive into reverse shoulder replacement surgery.

Advances in medical technology and surgical techniques have made total shoulder replacement one of the most successful orthopedic surgical procedures performed today, with primary (anatomic) shoulder replacement being one of the most common shoulder replacement surgeries.

As Forté shoulder and elbow specialist Dr. Michael Bender explains, the procedure only continues to evolve with better implants and patient-specific surgical planning.

Anatomy of the Shoulder

The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint with a ball (head) at the end of your upper arm bone that fits into a shoulder socket formed by your shoulder blade. A primary total shoulder replacement surgery involves removing the damaged portions on both sides of the joint and resurfacing them with similarly shaped metal and plastic implants.

Innovations Result in Better Implants

Historically, the implant for the ball side of the joint included a long stem (rod) that was inserted into your upper arm bone. Recent design innovation has led to a less-invasive option, known as a “stemless” implant, that is fixed to the bone with pins and cement.

The stemless design has several benefits, including:

The majority of primary total replacement surgeries performed at Forté involve stemless implants.

“We can put a stemless implant exactly where it needs to be to match your anatomy,” says Bender. “It’s a more personalized shoulder replacement, which can reduce the risk of implant malpositioning which should lead to better range of motion, less stress on the rotator cuff and faster recovery.

Additionally, the plastic liner implanted on the socket side has evolved to have better wear properties, vitamin E impregnated to reduce free radicals that cause break down and better methods of fixation to the socket to limit loosening. It’s also more customizable than previous versions and can help correct bone deformities. This personalization has expanded the pool of patients eligible for primary total shoulder replacement surgery.

“You have a limited amount of bone on your socket for us to be able to correct,” says Bender. “In the past, we had to tell patients with certain bone deformities there was nothing we could do for them. The evolution of the augmented implants enables us to build back up the joint to correct it, and it makes the procedure a viable option for more patients with bone deformities.”

Advancements in Surgical Planning

Another advancement in primary total shoulder replacement is the development and utilization of patient-specific 3D surgical planning software. At Forté, a CT scan of your shoulder results in a virtual model of your joint that is used to simulate the surgery. During the simulation, surgeons can determine:

They can also generate a 3-D printed patient-specific guide to help them align the implants during your shoulder replacement surgery.

“Technology has improved not only how we plan for surgery but also how we execute it,” says Bender. “The customized guide shows us the exact angle we need to carry out the replacement exactly as we planned it.”

Reducing the Margin of Error

Together, advancements in surgical planning and implant design are reducing the margin of error in primary total shoulder replacements.

“It’s exciting to be at the forefront of these new technologies and techniques to improve this procedure better for our patients,” says Bender.

If you’re ready to take the next step, our joint replacement specialists can provide the latest technology and techniques for the best results and fastest recovery. Call 317. 817.1200 to schedule a consultation.

More Resources for You:

Shoulder replacement is surgery to remove damaged parts of your shoulder joint and resurface them with smooth metal and plastic implants. Due to advancements in technology and surgical techniques, it’s more effective than ever at relieving pain and improving function in your shoulder joint.

As with any surgery, adequate preparation can help ensure the best possible outcome. Dr. Michael Bender, a shoulder and elbow specialist at Forté, walks us through three important steps of the pre-operative process and explains how they ensure you and your surgical team are prepared for your procedure.

Step 1: Patient-Specific Surgical Planning

First, Forté surgeons utilize new technology for surgical planning that helps personalize every total shoulder replacement surgery. During the pre-op process, they perform a surgical simulation using a virtual model of your joint that is generated from a CT scan.

This enhanced surgical planning helps your surgeon determine the following:

Your surgical team can also use the software to create a 3-D printed customized guide (when necessary) to help align the implants as planned during your surgery.

Step 2: Individualized Assessment

Before your surgery, you’ll also meet with the in-house pre-operative medical team for an individualized assessment to ensure your experience is as safe as possible. You’ll receive information on how to prepare for your surgery, such as:

The pre-op team will review your medical, surgical and family history and conduct a physical exam. They may order blood tests, urine tests and an EKG, which is a scan of your heart.

The pre-op team’s job is to ensure every patient is fit for surgery and outline a personalized plan for their recovery.

“They will determine who’s safe to go home the day of their surgery and who should be observed overnight to ensure there are no bumps along the road to recovery,” says Bender.

Step 3: Rehabilitation Education

Finally, you may participate in a one-on-one session with Forté’s physical therapists. Recovery from shoulder replacement surgery can take up to four-six months and will include several phases of rehabilitation. Receiving education prior to your procedure can help you set realistic expectations for your journey.

“After your surgery, you’ll be in a sling for about four weeks,” says Bender. “Patients have questions about how they will drive, shower, get dressed, eat and change their clothes. During an educational visit, a physical therapist will share tips and tricks to help make the start of the rehabilitation process as smooth as possible.”

Still have questions about what to expect before and after shoulder replacement surgery? Check out our many resources for shoulder replacements:

To schedule a consultation with one of our shoulder replacement specialists, call 317.817.1200.

If you suffer from severe knee arthritis that doesn’t respond to non-operative treatments, you may be considering knee replacement surgery. The procedure is a good option for patients with daily pain and limitations, as it’s reliable at relieving pain and restoring function.

“Modern knee replacement is truly an amazing procedure,” says Dr. Joseph Maratt, knee replacement surgeon at Forté. “The performance of today’s implants is much closer to feeling like your own knee than the implants of the past.”

As you consider your next steps, you may be wondering what to expect from a new knee. Dr. Maratt answers some of the most common questions he receives about life after knee replacement surgery.

Will I be taller after knee replacement surgery?

Knee replacement surgery doesn’t change your height. At most, it can give you a few millimeters. For example, knee arthritis can cause a patient to develop a bowed leg. While knee replacement surgery can correct the bow, it’s unlikely to lead to any noticeable change in the length of your leg.

Will I be able to climb the stairs to my second-story bedroom?

Most patients do not have to change their sleeping arrangements! Whether you plan to have an outpatient surgery or stay overnight, our team will ensure you’re standing, walking and moving around a few hours after surgery. As part of this early recovery process, a physical therapist will help you learn to navigate stairs. You probably won’t want to climb up and down them 10 times a day, but if your goal is to come down in the morning and go up in the evening, you’ll be fine.

Will I be able to kneel on the floor after surgery?

It’s perfectly safe to kneel on the floor after knee replacement surgery. Will you like it? Not necessarily.

There is a desensitizing program I recommend to my patients. For example, you start by kneeling on a mattress for ten minutes a day for a week and then progress to a slightly firmer surface, such as a couch cushion. Over six weeks, you’ll work your way to kneeling on a yoga mat. The last step is to try to kneel on a hard surface, but most patients don’t like it. Most generally, you’ll be able to tolerate kneeling on soft surfaces.

Will I be able to play pickleball again?

Not to worry, you should be able to play pickleball around four months after surgery. We don’t recommend becoming an ultra-marathoner, but you can have a mostly unrestricted return to sports and activities. My best advice is to ease back into physical activity to help prevent a setback due to deconditioning.

Will my new implant set off airport security metal detectors?

Yes, your implant will set off airport security detectors, but you don’t need to worry about obtaining a card or note from your physician before traveling. Simply tell the TSA officer you had a knee replacement prior to your airport screening. Since the TSA has policies and procedures for devices such as pacemakers and implants, they will be able to adjust accordingly, and off you’ll go.

Is there an age limit to have knee replacement surgery? How old is too old?

There is no “too old” for knee replacement surgery. I’ve seen 85-year-old patients in the clinic who don’t have a single thing filled out on their form other than some knee pain. That person sometimes asks, “Should I have surgery now or wait until next year?” It can be tricky, but there’s no reason to wait other than avoiding the standard risks. So, I would say to have surgery when you feel as though you need it.

There also isn’t really a “too young.” I try to get my younger patients to maximize their non-operative options and make some acceptable lifestyle changes before turning to surgery. If you are in your late 40s or 50s, it’s fine, but you’ll probably have a revision at some point in your lifetime. I have done knee replacements on patients in their 20s and 30s, but thankfully, those cases are rare.

Schedule a Consultation

Our hip and knee replacement specialists, Dr. Kevin Condict, Dr. John Hur, Dr. Joseph Maratt and Dr. Lucian Warth perform hundreds of joint replacement surgeries each year using the latest technologies and techniques to get you the best results and fastest recovery. To schedule a consultation, visit or call 317.817.1200.

You can also read more from Dr. Maratt as he shares some of the benefits of computer-assisted knee replacement surgery.

A better, faster exercise recovery is a goal shared by many young athletes, as well as their parents and coaches.

While a number of things can help, including good nutrition, adequate hydration and active recovery, Forté athletic trainer and outreach operations manager Jillian Hacker is quick to point out that sleep also plays a major role in a young athlete’s recovery.

“High school student-athletes need eight to 10 hours of sleep a night, on average, to recover from school, from the day, and from any physical activity to be ready for the next day,” says Hacker.

Here, she and Dr. Michael Del Busto, a rehabilitation and sports medicine physician at Forté, share five strategies to improve an athlete’s sleep and optimize recovery.

  1. Prioritize Wind down Time

Adding wind down time to your evening routine can help improve sleep. Recommendations include participating in a relaxing and quiet activity, such as reading or journaling, and limiting screen time starting approximately 30-60 minutes before bedtime.

Keeping sleep natural generally means avoiding sleep medications due to potential side effects. Natural ways to improve sleep include avoiding alcohol, staying active, setting your thermostat at an ideal temperature (typically between 65 and 72 degrees) and turning off unnecessary lights.

Athletes on a consistent practice schedule often sleep better than those without.

“The benefit of staying on a consistent schedule is that your body knows when it’s time to start winding down and when to wake up each day,” says Hacker. “While travel can complicate this process, trying to keep athletes on track and making adjustments when needed will help them perform better across time zones.”

It’s recommended to limit caffeine and avoid after lunch.

Limiting naps to between 20 and 90 minutes can ward off grogginess that can affect sports performance and ensure that your bedtime doesn’t get pushed later into the night.

While all five strategies can help young athletes improve sleep, leading to faster, better recoveries, Dr. Del Busto shares a bonus strategy that can also make a difference in sleep hygiene.

“It’s also a good idea, if possible, to have a dedicated sleep space,” says Del Busto. “People often use a bedroom for things besides sleep, such as homework and watching movies. Reserving a space for sleep will help you fall asleep faster and sleep better.”

Focusing on these strategies can help your athletes feel more prepared for practices and games and perform to the best of their abilities.

These recommendations have been excerpted from Coaches Corner, a free monthly webinar series for coaches, athletic directors and athletic trainers. The series, developed and presented by Forté, in partnership with IHSAA, aims to arm coaching and support teams with helpful information to consider when working with their athletes. Subscribe online so you don’t miss an episode.

Ice and heat are valuable tools for treating injuries and reducing pain. The benefits include being easy to use and helping with a wide range of issues; however, it’s important to know when to use one over the other.

Forté athletic trainer and outreach operations manager Jillian Hacker says one of the most common questions she’s asked is when to treat an athlete with ice versus heat. Here, she and Dr. Michael Del Busto, a rehabilitation and sports medicine physician at Forté, explain how to know which is best for your injury and why.

The Effects and Benefits of Ice

Ice can help an injured athlete by reducing swelling and relieving pain. Ice does so by:

Additionally, ice is often a popular pick because you can work with what you have available. An ice pack or bag of frozen vegetables often does the trick. Other methods include an ice bath or ice massage.

When Ice is the Best Option

No matter your method of application, ice is most beneficial when used in the first 24-48 hours after suffering an injury or post-workout.

“The most important thing to note is that we want to use ice after exercise,” says Hacker. “Ice decreases nerve excitability and muscle function. It’s not appropriate before working out because prior to an athletic event, we want those nerves and muscles to be ready to go. We don’t want them to shut down.”

While ice is most beneficial for acute injuries, it can also be used for a chronic injury during a flare up. Just beware ice applied to a chronic injury can cause stiffness.

The Effects and Benefits of Heat

Heat can help an injured athlete by addressing pain and encouraging healing in the following ways:

Methods for administering heat can be as simple as using a heating pad or a warm towel. You can also use a hot bath or whirlpool.

When Heat is the Best Option

Heat is best suited for treating chronic injuries. One of the biggest benefits of heat is its ability to help warm up stiff and scarred tissues before exercise.

“You can use heat for backaches and stiffness,” says Hacker. “It’s a good option before a workout because of its ability to bring blood flow to the area.”

You can also use heat after an injury, but it’s important to do so cautiously. Best practices include waiting 48 hours or more after an injury to prevent increasing blood flow to the area and causing more swelling.

Best When Used in Moderation

Whether treating injuries with heat or ice, you want to use both in moderation. It’s recommended to use either modality for up to 20 minutes at a time every 2 hours to prevent burns or frostbite.

“People don’t always take these issues seriously, and that can have negative effects,” says Del Busto. “I can’t tell you how many athletes fall asleep while using an ice pack or heating pad and then get a skin injury.”

Ice and heat can provide significant pain relief when used appropriately. Following these guidelines for using ice and heat can help you get the most out of your treatments.

These recommendations have been excerpted from Coaches Corner, a free monthly webinar series for coaches, athletic directors and athletic trainers. The series, developed and presented by Forté, in partnership with IHSAA, aims to arm coaching and support teams with helpful information to consider when working with their athletes. Subscribe online so you don’t miss an episode.

No matter the activity or ability level, a sports injury can be devastating both physically and mentally to young athletes. As parents and coaches, we want to do what we can to help them stay safe, healthy and in competition. Below, Forté athletic trainer and outreach operations manager Jillian Hacker provides three tips to help prevent sports injuries and the benefits of each.

Incorporate a Dynamic Warmup
It’s no secret that stretching is essential for preventing and managing injuries. The two main types, static and dynamic, are helpful in different ways. When you think of traditional stretches, such as holding a single position for a period of time, you’re describing a static stretch that lengthens muscles and increases flexibility. A dynamic stretch, in comparison, uses sport-specific movements to prepare muscles, ligaments and soft tissues for exercise. A warmup incorporating dynamic stretches can help your athletes prevent injuries by increasing the speed and power needed for their sport.
“You only get a certain amount of time with your athletes, and using a dynamic warmup gets them moving a little bit quicker,” says Hacker. “These exercises get their muscles ready to go and introduce the athletes to what they’re going to have to do throughout practice or competition, which is important both physically and mentally.” Examples of dynamic stretches that can be incorporated into a warmup include an inchworm, lunge walk, knee hug, side lunge and hip opener.

Utilize Resistance Training
Numerous studies have shown that incorporating resistance training, also known as strength or weight training, into a practice routine has wide-ranging benefits, including injury prevention.
Resistance training helps prevent injuries by increasing lean body mass, allowing athletes to safely produce the high power and speed needed for sports. It increases bone mineral density, which helps prevent stress fractures. It also boosts muscle endurance, allowing muscles to tolerate longer bouts of sports activities.
“Large forces on the body can cause injury, but if the body is stronger, it can accept those forces at a better rate,” says Hacker. “If we train the body to know how to handle those forces, then injuries are less likely to occur.”

Follow Environmental Safety Regulations
Coaches and parents can also help prevent sports injuries by following environmental safety recommendations. Examples include being aware of and heeding severe weather alerts such as heat advisories and storm warnings.
It is recommended to suspend activities when the leading edge of a storm is within six miles of play and wait 30 minutes after the last flash of lightning and crash of thunder before resuming practice.
“Everyone should be moved inside during a storm,” says Hacker. “You want to relocate to indoor facilities such as a gym or school building because lightning can still enter open spaces such as dugouts, tents or garages.”
Additionally, athletes should be acclimatized to heat over one to two weeks to help prevent heat-related illnesses, such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which can be deadly.
“The National Athletic Trainers Association offers guidelines on gradually increasing activities and sports equipment to best protect athletes,” says Hacker. “On the first day, football players may have a single three-hour practice only in helmets and then gradually build up each day until they’re in full pads.” NATA also provides guidelines for rest, hydration and practice length as the heat index rises. Learn more about best practices related to specific healthcare topics.

These recommendations have been excerpted from Coaches Corner, a free monthly webinar series for coaches, athletic directors and athletic trainers. The series, developed and presented by Forté, in partnership with IHSAA, aims to arm coaching and support teams with helpful information to consider when working with their athletes. Subscribe online so you don’t miss an episode.

As the River States Conference volleyball tournament came to a close in early November, IU Kokomo players were celebrating an undefeated conference season and tournament. As one of the team’s biggest advocates, athletic trainer Fabian Munoz also had a lot to celebrate.

“We had a lot of injuries this year,” says Munoz. “It felt good to help keep them on the court and see them be successful.”

Munoz serves dual roles as an athletic trainer at Forté Sports Medicine and Orthopedics who is also embedded year-round with IU Kokomo Athletics. This unique position is part of Forté’s outreach program, which creates partnerships with teams and clubs across the state to better serve athletes of all sports, ages and abilities.

As part of an embedded partnership, Forté’s athletic trainers work alongside teams to help enhance the student-athlete experience in four significant ways.

Providing Injury Prevention, Triage and Treatment

An athletic trainer is a medical care professional whose training encompasses the prevention, examination, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of acute and chronic injuries and medical conditions.

When athletic trainers are embedded with a team, they can implement injury prevention programs and warm-ups designed to keep student-athletes healthy and ready to play. Additionally, the immediate triage and sports medicine treatments they provide when an injury does occur can help shorten recovery times.

Expediting Access to Top Specialists

In the event of an injury, Forté’s embedded athletic trainers are also equipped to help student-athletes, parents and coaches expedite the next steps in the treatment process. Munoz and his colleagues have direct access to and relationships with Forté’s orthopedic specialists and physical therapists. This guarantees their athletes are seen – fast.

“We can treat most issues in-house, but we can also streamline the athlete’s ability to be seen by a physician when needed,” says Munoz.

Personalizing Physician Recommendations

The benefits of working with an embedded athletic trainer also go beyond expedited appointment scheduling.

Courtney Cox, a Forté athletic trainer embedded with the Indiana Fire Academy, says her soccer players can experience a variety of acute injuries, from ACL tears and ankle sprains to wrist fractures and concussions. When these injuries happen, Cox provides players and their family members with personalized physician recommendations.

“We have the benefit of knowing the specialties of each of the physicians at Forté,” says Cox. “We can recommend who an athlete should see based on their injury.”

Return to Play

Additionally, embedded athletic trainers can help injured student-athletes reach the finish line in their recovery and get back to play as quickly and safely as possible.

“I attend many Forté appointments with my injured athletes,” says Cox. “When they come back to training with me, I know exactly where they’re at in their recovery and their progression in return to play because I was on hand during visits with their physicians and physical therapists.”

Creating Special Bonds

Ultimately, the relationships built with embedded athletic trainers over seasons and through shared experiences create special bonds that better serve student-athletes and their support teams.

“Parents and coaches are always super grateful that they don’t have to do research on their own,” says Cox. “They know us, and they know we want the best for their kids. Because of that, they’re willing to trust us.”

The success achieved together can also feel that much sweeter, as in the case of IU Kokomo’s win at the 2023 River States Conference volleyball tournament.

“My favorite moment was seeing the ladies finish a regular season sweep and a conference tournament sweep,” says Munoz. “We ended on a high note with everyone staying healthy and having a lot of success.”

Want to learn more about Forté’s Outreach Program? Forté’s athletic trainers currently serve 10 individual sports organizations, two dance companies, the Indianapolis Colts cheerleaders and six public safety departments. Find out more about Forté’s Outreach Program online or by calling 317.817.1200.

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